Tuesday, September 8, 2020

About Application software

 - Application Software

                  Software  developed for user's purpose is called Application Software. It is a group of programs designed for end user. The collective noun application software refers to all applications collectively. This contrasts with system software. Which is mainly involved with running the computer. Some examples of application software are

- Word processor

- Spread sheet 

- Accounting application

- Web browser

- Email clients

- Media player

- file viewer

- simulators

- console game

- photo editor

Some important features of Application software are:

- perform more specialized tasks.

- it needs more storage space as it is     bigger in size.

- Easy to design and more interactive for   the users.

- Generally written in a high level     language.

: There are two types of application software they are explained below:

- Packaged software

     Packaged software is designed to appeal a large audience of user, and although the programs may be tailored to the user's taste by setting variuos preferences. It can never be as indivisulaized as custom-programmed software. Some examples of packaged software are:

- Operating system 

- Office suites

- presentation software

- Spreadsheet

- Accounting software

- Customized Software

             Customized Software is a software that is specially developed for some specific organization or other user. As such, it can be contrasted with the use of software packages developed for the mass market such as commercial off-the-shelf software, or existing free software. Some examples of customize software are:

- School management software

- telephone bill processing software

- air ticket reservation software

- payroll software

- Hospital management software


                       THANK YOU



Friday, November 1, 2019

making selroti for tihar

: grinded rice
: oil
: sugar
: ghee

method of making selroti

step 1: heat oil for 30 seconds
step 2: put grinded rice and water together
step 3: after wards put the grinded rice in
            circular shape.
its a very easy and delicious food which we eat mostly on festivals.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

making khir at home

 khir preparation:
i. rice (half kg)
ii. milk (4 packet)
iii. khir masala (half spoon)
iv. sugar

potato pickle
i. potato
ii. green chilly
iii. lapsi powder
iv. salt
v. methi
vi. cucumber

process of making rice pudding and potato pickle
according to our assigments to make khir and potato pickle at home.
I went market to bring necessary materials.
I came home and started preparing it at exactly 7:56 PM.
I finished it at 10:3.
all of them gave a good respones for my work

camera: Bhawana Nepali

helper: shanti pariyar
shopper partner: shyam pariyar

             Thank You

Saturday, August 31, 2019

my father

my dad is my life real hero. she does is an everything to make me happy. my father love me too much that i can´t explain. He is my lifetime hero. i respect him too much. my dad is soo friendly like my friend. he is always powerful in fullfilling my dream. love you dad. my dad is soo perfect for me. so, curious about my little accident.
        Happy Father Day

Sunday, August 11, 2019

khir making day

today, we made khir first our teacher deepak sir and khem sir took our oreintation class.They also tell all the ingredient we need. They told us to bring 3 potatoes and 1 packet of milk. Then divided us into 3 group.
Then at the khir making day we went to buy vegetables and masala for khir and potato pickle. First, we mixed all milk in a contenar and started ourn work. first, we washed our hand and then washed vegetables nicely. we clean the place and boiled potato. we cut vegetable and pill some vegetables. After the potato is bolied we started pilling it. In the otherside nisha and swornima were making the khir. All the potatoll were pilled. We cut the potato and keep it after that we put masala needed. khir was also ready tobe surved.
we surved them to all the teachers and helpers. we also have it. it was soon yummy. i had really tiring but best day.